Greetings from the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)! I write to draw your attention to our summer programme “Global Business in Asia: New Horizons” (GBIA).
Fast economic development in Asia has drastic impacts on the contours of international business and the career paths of the younger generation. As a business Faculty in one of the most established universities in the region, we find it our mission to help overseas students understand this part of the world and explore career opportunities here. While we engage actively in exchange partnerships with other business schools, we also run the GBIA programme in the summer.
GBIA is a 4-week, credit-bearing programme with the first two weeks in Hong Kong and the remaining two weeks in Shanghai. Participants enroll in two courses, “Chinese Business and Marketing” and “The China Economy: Implications for Global Business”. Each course carries 6 HKU credits (equivalent to 3 North American credits). Aside from in-class learning activities, there are many site visits to leading industries and guest talks by academics and business leaders in both cities. There will also be numerous opportunities for cultural exchange.
We target students from all over the world and aim to have a pool of students with diverse academic and cultural background.The whole programme will be conducted in English and no knowledge of Chinese is required. Students do not have to major in business or economics.
In summers 2012 and 2013, participants came from North America, U.K., Germany, Ireland, Italy, Singapore and the Chinese Mainland, etc. They all shared exciting time learning and living together and gave us very positive feedbacks.
We would appreciate it very much if you would circulate this information to your students who may be interested in joining this programme in summer 2014. Hard copies of the poster and programme cards can be mailed to your office upon request. More information can be found in
Should you have any query about GBIA, please feel free to contact Miss Silvia Lam (silvial@hku.hk) or myself (yfluk@hku.hk).
Thank you and we look forward to having your students join us in the coming summer!
Dr. Y.F. Luk
Associate Dean (IMBA and Special Projects)
Faculty of Business and Economics
The University of Hong Kong
